
Amazon & Flipkart will also deliver non-essential products from 20 April.

Amazon & Flipkart will also deliver non-essential products from 20 April. Follow us On Instagram:

Great news for customers as the government has now allowed the e-commerce websites to deliver non-essential items from April 20. The services were disrupted due to the lockdown imposed by the government to contain the spread of coronavirus but not anymore.

For now, e-commerce websites like Amazon and Flipkart are only delivering essential grocery and medical items. However, due to the surge in orders, the e-commerce giants were unable to fulfill the demands and had to refrain from taking new orders.

“Digital economy is critical to the services sector and is important for national growth. Accordingly, e-commerce operations, operations of IT and IT-enabled services, data and call centers for Government activities, and online teaching and distance learning are all permitted activities now,” a statement issued by the government read.

As per the fresh guidelines issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs, the vehicles that are used by e-commerce companies will be allowed to ply with permission.“Vehicles used by e-commerce operators will be allowed to ply with necessary permissions,” the guidelines read.

Earlier, the customers couldn’t order things like Mobile, Laptop, television sets or other important gadgets from the e-commerce websites but as per the latest guidelines, e-commerce platforms like Amazon, Flipkart and others can resume their services from April 20. So you don’t have to worry if your phone is slowing down, you will get a new one at your doorstep soon.

Flipkart will start accepting orders for all the non-essential items from April 20 in compliance with the guidelines issued by the government. "In line with the guidelines announced by the central government and also in collaboration with all states and local authorities, we will continue to serve consumers," a Flipkart spokesperson told ET.

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