
Kim Jong Un's sister 'may be in line' to become the next 'dear leader'

Kim Jong Un's sister 'may be in line' to become the next 'dear leader' Kim Yo-jong has “risen in stature” and may be in-line to become North Korea’s next leader if reports Kim Jong Un is gravely ill are accurate, according to CNN reporter Paula Hancocks.

North Korea’s leader is reportedly critically unwell after undergoing a cardiovascular surgery earlier this month.

CNN has reported US intelligence officials are monitoring the situation.

The despot recently missed the celebration of his grandfather's birthday on April 15, which raised speculation about his well-being. He had been seen four days before that at a government meeting.

Ms Hancocks told Sky News in the twisted world of North Korean politics, Kim Yo-jong is one of the few people Kim Jong Un trusts.

She is frequently seen at her brother's side," she said.

"It is believed she is one of the only people he truly trusts because of course we are looking at a dynasty in North Korea that is within the family.

"Kim Yo-jong is family, and that is appearing to be of critical important in North Korea."


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