Lemon is a fruit which is generally used to cast away evil as it has the tendency to absorb negativity. Water, as well is a very potent element which can change its molecular structure according to the energies around. These two things are proven scientifically.
Therefore when we use these two in combination we can produce a remedy to ward off negativity and also take a check on the energies of that particular space.
*To perform this remedy you require 3 things:*
1) A Clean Transparent Glass
2) A Lemon
3) Water
*Method to perform this technique?*
Take a clean clear glass and fill it with clean tap water, drop a lemon inside it.
If your lemon sinks, there is negative energies present around the space. On the other hand, if the lemon floats be assured that positivity is surrounded in the space.
*Where to place this glass?*
You can use this technique at your homes, offices, business places, cabins, basically anywhere where you want to ward off negativity.
You need to place the glass somewhere opposite to your main entrance of the space.
If there is no space opposite to your main door then please keep it in such a place where it is easily visible to any person entering your space.
*What if my lemon is always sunk to the bottom of the glass?*
No need to panic, at many spaces the energies take time to elevate, which is perfectly fine. Be rest assured that the Lemon-Water is doing its work to grab the negativity. Someday it will start floating. Until then do not get overpowered by your fears. In some cases it may happen that your lemon was floating previously and someone entered your house and it sunk, which is an indication that the person who came into your house must be carrying negative frequency. (Please do not go an confront the person about it, this technique is only for you to be careful)
*When should I replace the glass?*
Do this activity every Saturday. However, in some cases the water might turn milky or the lemon may burst or change its colour, in this situation you can change the water and the lemon immediately. If the water and the lemon are fine then change it the next Saturday only. If at all you forgot to do this remedy on Saturday you can do it on a Tuesday too.
*How should I discard the Lemon & Water?*
With the help of a spoon, take out the lemon and throw it in the dustbin without touching it. Flush the water in the toilet or drain through your sink. Wash the glass, spoon and your hands properly and refill it with fresh water and drop in a fresh lemon.
*How are you so sure that this technique works?*
I can say this as per my own personal experience as well as the traditions and elders say. Many a times I have observed my lemon taking turns in the glass from up-down and down-up, this is mainly because of the energies around. I have cases where people have walked at my home and the Lemon has been down in the glass for days. One good example I can remember is, once I was too late to return home from office and I had no dinner at home, so I ordered a Non-vegetarian dish for myself from a restaurant. As the parcel was delivered, I placed it on the table top where my Lemon-Water glass (Lemon was floating) was kept and went inside to put away my bag. After a few mins I came back only to see that the Lemon was sunk at the bottom, I took away the parcel from there. This doesn’t ends here, when I was about to go to bed I went to switch off the lights and saw that the Lemon was Floating again. Now you see how this works? I don’t feel I have a better example to demonstrate you that this does work.
Please try it for yourself.