
Signs of 2nd CCP virus outbreak emerges; Documents reveal CCP knew about outbreak before the public

Signs of 2nd CCP virus outbreak emerges; Documents reveal CCP knew about outbreak before the public Internal documents obtained by NTD suggest the Chinese regime knew about the outbreak long before they made the information public.

Chinese authorities lifted the lockdown on Wuhan today. But experts and locals worry that many cases are asymptomatic and not reported, which could trigger another #outbreak.

The Chinese Communist Party first accused the U.S., then Italy for the origin of the #CCPvirus. So who is to blame? Patient zero in nineteen countries reveals.

At a press briefing on Monday, President Trump questioned a reporter if she works for China. What's this media’s link to Beijing?

Ireland joins a list of European countries to receive faulty medical gear from China, saying 20% was unuseable, costing the country millions.

NTD refers to the novel #coronavirus, which causes the disease COVID-19, as the CCP virus because the Chinese Communist Party's coverup and mismanagement allowed the virus to spread throughout China and create a global pandemic.

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