
Staying sane and somatic in stressful times

Staying sane and somatic in stressful times In this week's video I outline three very important steps for staying sane and somatic in stressful times. Now, it is important to know these three steps are the EXACT same steps I've been teaching and preaching for 10+ years, but I think a review is always a good thing (especially right now!). I want you to pay close attention to Step 2 as there's a sub-step that's rarely talked about when it comes to calming nerves and de-stressing. (It all has to do with the 'somatic’ part of this video title!) Head over to this new video and check out the details of these steps.

Extra vlog to check out that I mentioned:


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Irene Lyon, MSC. and nervous system expert, teaches people around the world how to work with the nervous system to transform trauma, heal body and mind, and live full, creative lives. To date her online programs have reached people in over 63 countries – but you can often find her teaching with Elia Mrak at their signature Up & Down workshops or hiking in the mountains or along the Pacific ocean in her hometown of Vancouver, British Columbia. She has her Master’s in Biomedical and Health Science and also has a knack for making complex info easy for ALL of us to understand and apply to our lives. She has extensively studied and practices the works of Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais, Peter Levine (founder of Somatic Experiencing) and Kathy Kain (founder of Somatic Practice).


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