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Time Stamps:
0:00:00 - 0:01:12 What is The College Insider?
0:01:13 - 0:03:22 Introduction (Name, High school experience, Initial thoughts on choosing a school)
0:03:23 - 0:16:40 Academics (Courses, Class sizes, Professor experiences, Advising)
0:16:42 - 0:25:08 Research, Career, and Study Abroad (Internships, Shadowing, Alumni network)
0:25:09 - 0:36:03 Personal (Day in the life, Study spots, What would you change about Cal?)
0:36:05 - 0:42:17 Dorms (Choosing dorms, dorm conditions)
0:42:19 - 0:45:19 Party Culture, RA's, More Dorm Life
0:45:20 - 0:53:39 Clubs and Social Life (Campus events, Protests, Off-Campus venues)
0:53:40 - 1:04:12 School Culture and Honest Perspective (Overall atmosphere, What advice would you give, What expectations did Berkeley meet or not meet, Making friends)