Join the Quantum Crystalsphere to meditate, practice intention, and learn about crystal technology and the power of consciousness:
As a daily manifestation practice, you can cultivate the power of intention using instructions from Lynne McTaggart’s The Power of Eight book [7]. Briefly, a scientifically supported intention practice includes:
1) Forming a specific, positive intention statement
2) Closing your eyes, bringing attention inward, and clearing your mind of all distractions
3) Focusing on your breathing while inhaling and exhaling slowly
4) Cultivating the feeling of your desired outcome and imagining that this feeling is growing through your heart space as you inhale and exhale
5) Imagining with all of your senses as if your desired outcome has already occured
6) Remaining open to receive in your heart space
[1] Di Base et al. 2013. Quantum Informational Self-Organization and Consciousness: A Holoinformational Model of Consciousness. Journal of Nonlocality. 2167-6283.
[2] McCraty et al. 2016. Science of the Heart, Exploring the Role of the Hearth in Human Performance. 10.13140/RG.2.1.3873.5128.
[3] McTaggart et al. Intention Experiments.
[4] Radin et al. 2006. Double-blind Test of the Effects of Distant Intention on Water Crystal Formation. Explore 2, 408-411.
[5] Libbrecht et al. Toward a Comprehensive Model of Snow Crystal Growth Dynamics. arXiv:1211.5555v1.
[6] Brini et al. 2017. How Water’s Properties Are Encoded in Its Molecular Structure and Energies. Chem. Rev. 117, 12385-12414.
[7] McTaggart et al. The Power of Eight: Harnessing the Miraculous Energies of a Small Group to Heal Others, Your Life, and the World.