
Thus Sayeth The Lord God Almighty.... 'Blow the horn. Give the call to the Gentiles.'

Thus Sayeth The Lord God Almighty.... 'Blow the horn. Give the call to the Gentiles.' Thus sayeth The Lord. Come out of Religion. 2 kingdoms/governments= Religion and Money= they are uniting under your nose and leading you all to Rome/Nero = Revelations.
The enemy uses and always has used ALL Religion as the major weapon against our Heavenly Father to steal, kill, destroy God's children and to Spite The Lord. This revelation /revealing from the Lord to my understanding in wisdom of the Lord grips my soul with sorrow for Him. It's so sad actually.God bless you. I was hoping this blessed you.
Let's try to look at this from God's perspective. Thinking of Him....
Honestly, what would be the most disgustingly vile and spiteful weapon the enemy could use against our Father in heaven? Religion? All of it, even His own children who came to find Him. Dissension and discord, deceiving the naive, witchcraft, false gospels, false teachers, false prophets, boastful, prideful, exalting oneself over others, sin unchecked, no preaching of Repentance and The Fear of judgement, sleeping children, lack of power, demons, greed, wickedness, laziness, leaders getting fat off the orphans, the afflicted, the broken, the poor, the oppressed and all the things God hates. Not truly helping these children to total freedom... Because that's only for "special people" or God doesn't do that anymore. (He's the same yesterday, today and forever btw) Taking His truth and distorting it in every way. It is heartbreaking and revelational. What if religion is adultery and idolatry? What if? God is speaking something to me. And to many of us. What if this is an abomination to him? All the while The devil laughs and people die. The Truth will set you free. I will continue to help my Father open eyes and bless His heart with Joy, trying to do my part to save Him as many as possible. Even if its just to get this perspective out there for others to consider. It seems so obvious that the devil would take what is most dear to Him do the most vile, spiteful and destructive thing to seek revenge on Him and His. Heartbreaking. 💔 Assembling, teaching etc are all good blessings from and For God's Glory. However, wouldn't it be just like the serpent to take God's blessings and use them against God and His children. $$$ You can bank on it!
God is saying something. He never came to bring Religion! He did not like religion and spoke against them in their own synagogue. God is giving me a re-think. This is why He's not allowed me to find a church home to sit in and get comfortable since He rescued me August 2016. All Glory to God. How did Jesus Christ come and show us how to walk with Him? What was His example? I love God with all my heart, mind and soul. He is important to me. What's important to Him is important to me. That's you. Just take a rethink and ask Him , study for yourself to find Truth not justification to stay stuck. Please. For the Love of God. In Jesus name... Amen
Let me please you Lord and bring your heart true Joy. Sweet Good fruit that is everlasting and pleasant to You. I Exalt thee!******
And all the while these big preachers, teachers, worship bands are getting HIS praise, glory, honor, Thanksgiving. Feeding their ego and pride. Thinking they are so smart and important while feeding morsels and tidbits to starving children of God. Wow!!!
Stomach churning!


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