
Who are most likely to get affected by COVID 19?

Who are most likely to get affected by COVID 19? The number of cases from across the world shows that people of all ages can contract the COVID-19 disease

But the risk of becoming severely ill with the coronavirus appears to increase above 60 years

According to the WHO (?) those with pre-existing non-communicable diseases also appear to be more vulnerable to becoming severely ill with the virus

These non-communicable diseases include:

1. Cardiovascular diseases
2. Chronic respiratory diseases
3. Diabetes
4. Cancer

Apart from people with underlying health conditions, smokers are also likely to be more vulnerable towards COVID-19

Conditions that increase oxygen needs or reduce the ability of the body to use it properly will put patients at higher risk

As with everyone else, the only strategy to prevent infection is social distancing and maintaining good hygiene, especially frequent hand washing using soap and sanitiser.

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