Who has you on their mind during this global lockdown? Who spends all their down time fantasizing about YOU?!💖 THIS TIMELESS PICK A CARD WITH CHARMS may have a message for you.😄
Welcome to the Cottage! A safe and inclusive space among friends! Pull up a chair and grab a cup of tea and let's have a chat!
Good Vibes Only!
📍PILE 1) 1:40
📍PILE 2) 17:50
📍PILE 3) 32:50
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Please join me on my Instagram page, I post short DAILY COLLECTIVE CHECK IN videos Monday-Friday and also post about tarot and just a lot of fun stuff from our everyday lives...come join the insanity!!
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God Bless!
Decks Used:
Shadowscapes tarot deck
Smith-wait tarot deck
Doreen virtue angel Oracle
Food Fortunes
Wild Unknown Spirit Animal deck
Tarot: The Complete Kit
The Cottage Divine Masculine Love Oracle
All readings are for entertainment purposes only and should never be used in the place of medical or legal advice. Please take what messages resonate with you and leave those that do not. 😊😊😊
#tarot #pickacard #pickacardreading #astrology #foryou #tarotlove #taroteveryday #taroteverydamnday #spiritguides #angeloracle #tarotreadersofyoutube #tarottime #tarotspreads #intuition #taroteveryday #tarotcard #tarotcardreading #tarotreading #oracle #angel #angeloracle #oraclecard #lovereading #twinflame #collective #soulmate #crystals #healingenergy #positivespace #career/finance #manifestation #gratitude #tarotspread #thetarotcottage #thecottage