
Aries | Everything is playing out as it should, at exactly the right time. Trust in yourself.

Aries | Everything is playing out as it should, at exactly the right time. Trust in yourself. Hello, my Aries friends! Jason here, (Virgo Sun/Virgo Moon/Aries Rising)  and thanks for dropping by Owl's Eye Tarot! I do general collectives, several times a month, for all signs. 
( 🌝sun/🌚moon/⏫rising, wherever your placements fall.)

If you enjoy my content, please like/comment/share/subscribe! It greatly encourages me to keep putting in the work, in the hopes of helping others gain some clarity and confidence in their decisions.

If you vibe with me, and want to book a Personal Reading, contact me at for booking info.

You can help the channel out with a donation here:

Donations are welcomed, greatly appreciated, and go back into the channel...  (crystals, cards, coffee, candles, books, cat treats...ya know; the basics of life, as a tarot reader/agoraphobic/cat parent) ... to make it a more enjoyable place for you. THANK YOU, each of you, for allowing me into your lives. I feel such gratitude.

- Meditate, cleanse and regenerate:

¥ To my Owlets: PLEASE remember to be kind in the comments. If it's something personal about someone, or if it's not kind or constructive, don't say it. This is a SAFE SPACE, where we can ALL come together, grow together, learn together and heal together... and I plan to keep it that way.
   Bullying of any kind, toward ANYONE, will immediately be erased, blocked and reported to YouTube. Thank you in advance, for your kindness, and thank you for helping me keep this a safe and supportive space for us ALL. ¥

LOVE and light, everyone!!
- Jason, and (my familiar) Miss Luna. 🐱         

Blessings of peace, purity, prosperity and positivity to all!!!  


** Disclaimer - Remember, we're all beautifully unique individuals; no two journies are exactly alike. If something resonates, great! But always make your own decisions, regarding how YOU want to move forward. All the choices you make are your own; You're the one who best knows how to navigate your life; the answers are within YOU; the tarot just helps bring them to the surface. Always use your best judgement, and your own descernment. This is for entertainment purposes only.

Aries,Aries Tarot,May,timeless,general collective,tarot cards,Oracle messages,Aries tarot reading,

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