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An excited new patient in his 60s found me on YouTube and scheduled a visit. He is a prostate cancer survivor and his foot problems are military service and job-related. He has difficulty taking care of his own feet. Oddly enough, his toenails were completely healthy. His main problem was his thick and callused heels. He was very happy to see me and get treated. He was extremely pleased with the outcome.
Here are my 3 Take-Aways from this video:
1. Moisturize your feet daily
2. Do not use improper tools on your feet or do "kitchen surgery".
3. Don't be embarrassed. See a Podiatrist.
Kevin E. Jefferson, DPM
Metropolitan Podiatry Associates, PLLC
7603 Georgia Avenue NW, Suite 100
Washington, DC 20012
E-mail: dcfootdoctor202@gmail.com
To schedule a live, private telemedicine consultation with me, click on to book an appointment and to pay the fee. Health insurance is accepted for this service for residents of Washington DC, Maryland, and Virginia. Medicare recipients may use their insurance from all states during the COVID-19 crisis.
Office website is www.metropodiatry.net
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Channel art by Jeff Fraser, LinkedIn @mrjeff_creative