
How to Reflect Cost-Push Issues Taking into Account Price Thresholds while Reviewing Prices

How to Reflect Cost-Push Issues Taking into Account Price Thresholds while Reviewing Prices Don't miss the next webinar:

The economic collapse linked to the global lockdown causes a domino effect – suppliers increase their prices, logistics costs get higher, and everything else becomes more expensive.

In this webinar with our Lead Pricing Architect Vladimir Kuchkanov, you will learn how to increase your prices to reflect margin decrease on selected products as well as protect the revenue of the entire category.

00:48 Meet your lecturer
03:32 Growth Engine in time of crisis
06:06 Key crisis pricing needs
10:32 Relative Price Attractiveness
15:33 How to identify true competitors
18:05 Causes and solutions of category-level imbalances
22:58 Price Thresholds
34:18 Summary
37:12 Q&A session

pricing,retail,ecommerce,price threshold,

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