My fighter factory is very broken (well in my opinion) i use VirtuallTek Fighter Factory and had to Redo most of the palletes and stuff cause when i hit save it usually never saves, so i just spammed save until it actually saved.
But although here's Evil Alex S Reworked, but he's still being worked on, differences is you kinda notice that when the reworked version does his moves, other moves don't follow, but more damage is dealt than usual.
It's not a evil-john-summers-wannabe-lookalike (very sorry for doing that, i felt very guilty and i should.)
and has no voicelines, just the punch and music n stuff.
honestly, i kinda find most of my creations are poorly made (they kinda are.)
cause all it is just some color swaps, some sounds, animations, but nothing else, no new cool specials or sprites. just bland and poor.
so like or hate it i guess. cause at this point i feel like a terrible individual in the Super Mario Edits army.