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🟨Wagner Flexio 5000 -
Briggs and Stratton Pressure Washer -
DeWalt Pressure Washer -
Degreaser -
Oxalic Acid Deck Wash -
Deck brush and pole -
Lambswool stain applicator -
3” Paint brush -
Chocolate Semi-Transparent Stain -
Mirka Dustless Sanding System -
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Our old wood deck was in dire need of some restoration and repair. We used a pressure washer / power washer to clean it off along with a degreaser and oxalic acid. After that we stained the deck railings with a HVLP sprayer and then used a lambswool pad to put the finish on the deck boards. Two coats of deck stain was just what this deck needed and now it looks better than ever!
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