
Joseph Prince’s Cheap Grace Vs Jesus Christ’s Costly Grace

Joseph Prince’s Cheap Grace Vs Jesus Christ’s Costly Grace Joseph Prince’s Cheap Grace Vs Jesus Christ’s Costly Grace

( 10 eBooks comprising 4,800 pages of notes, free for download)

One obvious difference that stands out between the teachings of Jesus and that of Joseph Prince is that while Jesus preaches costly grace, Joseph Prince preaches cheap grace. And it is this difference that separates between what is true grace from what is false.

Costly grace was clearly preached by Jesus in Matthew 5:10 and Matthew 7:21, when He came to announce the way of salvation and how we could enter the kingdom of God. Yes, grace is evident because Jesus provided hope for sinners by announcing that the way of salvation is to enter the kingdom of God. But at the same time, it is costly because salvation involves persecution in Matthew 5:10, and obedience in Matthew 7:21.

And though costly grace was clearly preached by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount, Joseph Prince refuses to see it. Why? – Because Joseph Prince is only interested in cheap grace – the cheap grace of no-persecution salvation, the cheap grace of no-obedience-is-required for salvation. Do you know the open secret as to why Joseph Prince’s church is growing? One of the key reasons is simply because Joseph Prince keeps preaching on cheap grace:
the cheap grace of ‘God-will-always-bless-you’,
the cheap grace of ‘God-will-never-get-angry-with-you’,
the cheap grace of ‘you-have-no-more-sins-to-confess’,
the cheap grace of ‘you-have-no-more-laws-to-obey’,
the cheap grace of ‘you-will-never-suffer’,
the cheap grace of ‘you-will-never-be-a-martyr’,
and the cheap grace of, ‘you-will-always-be-healthy-and-wealthy’.
And no wonder, besides the sheep, multitudes of goats, who are looking for cheap grace and feel-good religion, have all come queuing up and knocking at Joseph Prince’s church door.

Friends, be warned that the cheap grace that Joseph Prince preaches is markedly different from the costly grace that Jesus preaches. Be warned that “The cheap grace of Joseph Prince wouldn’t gain you the salvation that is eternal but only the costly grace of Jesus would.” This is because “Cheap grace is nothing but the glorified term for counterfeit grace.”

Rev George Ong’s Website:

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