
Understanding How Food Affects Your Body - Take Your Health to the Next Level!

Understanding How Food Affects Your Body - Take Your Health to the Next Level! Begin understanding how food affects your body and take your health to the next level!
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As a culture, our views toward healthy foods and nutrition are sometimes a little bit wrong. We are so focused on things like calories, carbs, and specific diets. We lose out on the big picture of the relationship between food and your body. There are 3 stages of how food interacts with our bodies.

By understanding how food affects your body, you can make changes that help you feel more energized and achieve your health goals. Different people react differently to different foods. Because of this, you must be aware of what you are eating and how your diet affects your body, so you can make these changes.

3 Stages of How Food Goes Through Your Body
#1 Digestion
#2 Assimilation
#3 Elimination

If you are regularly feeling gassy or bloated, you may have food digestion problems. Try tweaking your diet and eliminating processed foods.

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Your friends here at the FMP,
-Dr. Balduzzi + The Women's Health Experts @ The Fit Mother Project

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**Disclaimer: This information is for reference purposes ONLY and cannot replace personal information you can and should discuss with your Doctor. If you have any concerns about your health, you should see your Doctor immediately. Results vary by individual, so we do not guarantee you will get the same results as any shown here or on our website.

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