This happened in a lesson not just last week and the difference was amazing, the golfer could take this straight to the golf course and smash the ball longer down the fairway with LESS SLICE.
PGA golf professional Alex Elliott will cover all major talking points such as... How do I hit my driver longer? What is the best way to stand to the golf ball with driver? How do i stop slicing the golf ball with driver? What is the best drill to hit the driver on the up? What are the best drills for driver? How do I hit the driver better? What is the best PRO driver golf swing in slow motion and driver golf swing and driver golf swing tips?
- A brand new golf app is coming to the market, an all in one app... it's going to be big! Be one of the first to download sweet spot golf
- 2020 is starting thick and fast and during the 2020 golf season you can expect to see me across all golf channels and working providing golf tuition for GOLF MONTHLY.
Golf Monthly
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