
8 Ways For A Photographer To Utilize A Master Clamp | PRO EDU

8 Ways For A Photographer To Utilize A Master Clamp | PRO EDU Photographers typically also need to be master riggers of equipment to get lights and cameras in awkward places to get the shot. In this short equipment demo, learn 8 ways to utilize a master clamp from the company Tether Tools.


PRO EDU celebrates the priceless knowledge of working professionals by sharing the secrets of their experiences through online tutorials. Our students are photographers, graphic designers, retouching artists, filmmakers, and other creative entrepreneurs who desire to apply these transformative lessons to invent (and reinvent) their own business and artistic success. All of our instructors convey their invaluable knowledge through our comprehensive online tutorials revealing the secrets of their success in business.

Tether Tools,RGG EDU,tethering,photography,tethered photography,

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