


Alex Ikonn walks you through a habit that will unimaginably improve your life and enable you to always feel positive.


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Speaker: Alex Ikonn

Music Licensed by Agus Gonzalez-Lancharro
Music by Really Slow Motion
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One day you'll just wake up and actually feel like actually feel,
I know what that feeling is like of
I'm so grateful for my life.

I think most people don't even know what it feels like to be grateful.
We all brush our teeth every morning, and night why?
Because it's important, it needs to be a habit.
What happens if you stop brushing your teeth?
Things will start to decay.
And the same thing is with our mind,
we have to create habits for our mind to feed it, the positives, the gratitude,
looking forward to the things that will happen today,
the daily affirmation of seeing your vision of who you're becoming,
who you want to become in the world,
recalling yourself and looking back
of what great things happened today,
that's really the fundamentals of the “Five Minute Journal”,
and the idea of the gratitude
you only start to feel when you do it.
It may, yeah feel fake at the beginning when you do it,
“ok, I'm grateful for this, I'm grateful for that”,
if you do it consistently for at least six months to a year,
what has happened even to us, if you actually do it
and you practice it like ,”I’m just going to stick to this like brushing my teeth
and I’m going to keep it on my bedside table with a pen,
and when I wake up I'm going to do this thing”.
And what happens with time,
it's the same thing like when you have your newborn grow up,
next thing you know, they're like,
wow, they're walking and talking, how did this happen?
It just happened so quickly, so fast.
And same thing with the practice of gratitude,
one day you'll just wake up and actually feel, like actually feel,
I know what that feeling is like of
I'm so grateful for my life
and how many people who have way more than I have
in regards to financial resources, they're maybe billionaires
have these companies, have even bigger families and they're unhappy.
Simply because they don't have that habit and practice
of actually seeing the things that they have
and they're consciously just focusing on their desires
and the things they haven't achieved yet,
and that's why you have to reverse that
and actually see,
“whoa, let's actually look what I do have”.
And that's why I believe this is the most,
if you ask me even here and now like what's the most
life changing thing that I've done in my life,
is simply practicing gratitude,
and the way it started for me before I even
created the “Five Minute Journal”, it was
training myself to as soon as I wake up
to think of at least one thing that I'm grateful for, that's it.
So I challenge anybody, you don't need to buy the “Five Minute Journal”,
just tomorrow when you wake up,
commit yourself for the next year
to think of one thing that you’re grateful for when you wake up.
And what will happen is you wake up tomorrow, you might forget,
“ok, I'm going to do it again tomorrow”.
You wake up tomorrow, maybe you remember
and you say, “I'm grateful for waking up”, great, little things,
focus on what you have and just keep practicing it.
And to make a habit,
there’ll be maybe weeks when you'll forget again to practice this habit
of being grateful as soon as you wake up,
then you remember and you get on it again.
And with time, this is what I did for myself,
this was the life-changing thing for me,
with time, you just wake up and you feel gratitude,
you feel gratitude for just being alive,
you feel gratitude for having a partner who's sleeping next to you like,
“wow, I have a partner who is amazing”,
instead of looking and focusing on what you don't have
and it really transforms your life and then it allows you to actually
create more abundance in your life because
you don't have a scarcity mindset, you start thinking abundantly,
you start thinking of all the things that you do have.
And the biggest hack is being grateful for things that you don't have
and really putting in the present moment as you do have them.
We've created a manifest of so many things like that, in my five minute journal
I’ve written things for a long time before they came true,
but I'll be grateful for it because that emotion of gratitude,
you're already giving thanks,
you're already giving it, you're not trying to take
you're already saying, “thank you”, and you feel it,
and the feeling inside is something only you yourself will know
what it's like to be grateful.

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