One of my favorite new features of 1.17 is the lush forest, however its still a ways away. So I decided I would create it myself!
🎵 Music:
► Alsek
By: Whispering Angels
👑 Next Milestone ► 500 Subscribers!
🖥️ PC Specs ► HP Pavilion Gaming Desktop Computer, AMD Ryzen 5 2400G
🖱️ Mouse ► Redragon S101 Gaming Mouse
🖮 Keyboard ► Redragon S101 Gaming Keyboard
🎤 Microphone ► Fifine PC Microphone
Sensitivity ► 50
FOV ► 70
Recording Software ► OBS
Editing Software ► Hitfilm Express 14 and Photoshop Creative Cloud 2019
Java IGN ► Legendcraft1
Bedrock IGN ►Legendcraft7446
IP ► N/A
Gamemode ► N/A
family friendly pg clean