
Courageous Priest Speaks The TRUTH About Joe Biden and Kamala Harris

Courageous Priest Speaks The TRUTH About Joe Biden and Kamala Harris One needs to know their history in order to understand where WE are being LED to...

I have never come across a video that is soo Good at explaining how and why the "contraception mentality" is destroying family, marriage, culture, society. Everyone should see this and pass this along...._

Vote Think With The Church
Staring Into the Abyss Nov 2020 Elections with Fr Ed Meeks
WATCH: Courageous Priest Speaks The TRUTH About Joe Biden and Kamala Harris

October 13, 2020

A must-see homily by Homily from Fr. Edward Meeks delivered at Christ the King parish in Towson, MD on 10/11/2020. This is the homily that should be preached from every pulpit in America. PLEASE SHARE using one of the social media buttons below.
You can start @9:06 till the end......

Principle from second Vatican council pastoral councils pastoral constitution on the church in the modern world GAUDIUM ET SPES

"Church should have true freedom to preach the faith, to teach her social doctrine, to exercise her role freely among men, and also to pass moral judgment in those matters which regard politics-public order when the fundamental rights of a person or the salvation of souls require it."

2 Chronicles 7:14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

Fr Edward Meeks pastor of Christ the King Church in Towson, Maryland
Christ the King Church
1102 Hart Road
Towson, MD 21286
Phone: 410-321-0711


Google: The Thinking Conservative Father Ed Meeks on staring into the abyss

Click on the first search result at the top (you'll see a photo of Father Meeks), and that should bring up the transcript of this homily. There's also a link to this video at the top of the transcript, both handy in one place.

Father Ed Meeks,abortion,prolife,cannot vote democrat,catholic,

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