
Which Cast On Method Should I use?

Which Cast On Method Should I use? If you’ve ever been less than delighted with the edges of your knitting then the chances are you may have been using the wrong cast on for your intended project. If you are wondering what do you mean the wrong cast on? Or how do you choose a more suitable method? Then stay tuned to learn more as this series will equip you with a Cast On Toolkit .

Every knitter needs a basic repertoire of workhouse cast ons, and in this series of tutorials I’ll equip you with a good basic repertoire of 7 workhorse cast ons that you’ll use time after time. At the end of the series you’ll have a cast on toolkit making the most of your knitted projects, and you’ll also learn how to make the best choice of cast on for your all your future projects. My Cast On Toolkit will transform your knits from ok to impressive, helping you achieve a professional finish, enhancing both the appearance and function of your knits.


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