
Sales Qualification – What To Ask Every Prospective Customer

Sales Qualification – What To Ask Every Prospective Customer ✔SUBSCRIBE✔

Sales qualification is an important step you need to take before ever thinking about closing a deal. It’s a crucial element of the sales process – before you begin in earnest with a prospective customer, you need to know whether or not it’ll be worth your while.

To make the sales qualification process effective, I ask questions that reveal important information about my prospective client. Here are those three questions:

First, ask your client what their business issues are and how long they’ve had those issues. As a salesperson, both your job and the value you deliver are based on solving problems. Making sure that your prospective customer has a problem you can solve is essential to moving forward. And if you can’t help, you can introduce them to someone who can.

Second, does your client have economic authority in the buying process? If you and your client develop a successful relationship and make a deal, somebody will have to sign a check and authorize purchases. If your client doesn’t have economic authority, ask them who else will need to be involved so that business can progress.

Third, do they have the money to work with you? This comes down to asking them about their budget. The client’s budget is an important piece of information because if the funds aren’t available, you won’t be able to work together. If your prospective customer is reluctant to give you a budget, ask them who can discuss finances. Let them know that without a budget you can’t determine whether you can help.

By asking these three questions during the sales qualification process, you’ll have enough information to confidently move forward and build a lasting sales relationship.

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