In this video, we take a small break from teambuilding to feature another team from Dannoukos, from the TPL's Athens Ultra Beasts! Danny had a cool idea to use Araquanid with Kyogre. The idea was to try and set up Trick Room with Cresselia, along with Raichu. Once trick room was set up, Cresselia can go for Lunar Dance, causing it to faint, but allowing the free switch-in to either Kyogre/Araquanid. Raichu would either go down or Volt Switch out into 1 of the 2 and thus the combo begins! Araquanid can go for Entrainment onto Kyogre, which makes Water Spout hit for ENORMOUS damage and can KO most things through screens or even Dynamax. The rest of the team features Assault Vest Incineroar - great for Calyrex Shadow/Ice as well as Zacian & other steel types, along with Weakness Policy Celesteela. Celesteela combos well with Raichu since you're able to go for Volt Switch to self-activate your own WP, allowing Celesteela to pick up kills and steam roll with Beast Boosts.
Time Stamps:
0:00 - Introduction & Team Preview
2:38 - Battle #1 (vs. Tapu Fini/Zapdos/Landorus/Incineroar/Dragapult/Zacian)
12:21 - Battle #2 (vs. Lapras/Porygon-2/Landorus/Ferrothorn/Zacian/Moltres)
25:44 - Battle #3 (vs. Butterfree/Eternatus/Arcanine/Rillaboom/Hatterene/Gyarados)
34:31 - Rental Code & Recap
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