
Coolduder Has Lost track of whether or not I'm a bad guy

Coolduder Has Lost track of whether or not I'm a bad guy ...I dunno, maybe it is all those YEARS of trying to start problems with him coming through, but he talked a big game 2 weeks ago, and made some large accusations. When I reach out to try and get a better understanding...


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coolduder,wiliscredia,roast,shawn c phillips,chauncey phillips,cp,cp autopstream,cp roast,blu-tube,blu tube community,collection rant,misinformation,coolduder on blast,wiliscredia is the bad guy,blutube bully,blu ray shopping,hoard up,fluffy thinks his channel is better than wiliscredia's,does anybody edit in this damn community,receipts,satire,learn what jokes are people,

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