
Coronavirus: outbreak 'not yet at peak' and lockdown may last another month - BBC News

Coronavirus: outbreak 'not yet at peak' and lockdown may last another month - BBC News The government has said the UK is still not past the peak of the coronavirus outbreak and the number of deaths will rise in the coming days. It says the lockdown is working but it is too soon to say when it will end or how. 717 more people have died in in UK hospitals in the past 24 hours bringing the total to 11,329. The figure does not include deaths in the community or in care homes. The government has faced more criticism that frontline staff lack protective clothing. The Head of NHS Providers said the supply of medical gowns is "hand to mouth". Fiona Bruce presents BBC News at Ten reports from Science Editor David Shukman, correspondent Hywel Griffith and Health Editor Hugh Pym.

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