
Disability types,causes ,classification & policies (Disable Persons,Rights)

Disability types,causes ,classification & policies  (Disable Persons,Rights) Disability Awareness and Entertainment.
My Name is Abdussalam khan & i am disable person,& aware the disable persons through my channel.
I mentioned the disability definition in video,types,causes and classifications along with Government of Pakistan policies and their rights require in our country.
Disability is a state of being physically or mentally impaired, limiting the effected individual capabilities and potential.
Types of Disability.
(03)Deaf & dump
(05)Multiple Disabilities
causes of Disability.
(01) By birth
(02) Accidental
(03) family Marriage
(04) Polio
(05) Environmental Pollution
(06) Psychological Issues
(07) War of terror
(08) Catastrophic Situation
(09) Vitamin A deficiency.
Problems of Disable Persons in our society.
(01) Marriages
(02) Transportation
(03) Health Facilities
(04) Mobility
(05) Participation
(06) Buildings and parks
(07) Shopping malls
(08) Bus Stands
(09) Electoral process
(10) Participation in Election.
Classification of Disable Persons.
• Vision
• Hearing
• Thinking
• Learning
• Movement
• Mental health
• Remembering
• Communicating
• Social relationships

Disability Models in The World Presents to till Date:
The two important Models of Disability as described by Sociologist are referenced as under:

The Medical Model of Disability:
The focus is entirely on the individual and the particular impairment they may have. Emphasis on therapeutic cures in an attempt to make the person "whole"

The Social Model of Disability:
The focus is on organizational and societal barriers, which exist in every facet of day to day life. The important issue for the social model to work is to look at ways of breaking down and dismantling barriers. it contends that disabled peoples' lack of participation and segregation in society is due to the barriers and not a person's impairment.
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD):
The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its Optional Protocol (A/RES/61/106) was adopted on 13 December 2006 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, and was opened for signature on 30 March 2007. In 1975, at one and the same session,
Respect the rights of persons with disabilities
Protect the rights of persons with disabilities
Fulfill the rights of persons with disabilities
A Brief Revision of unfulfilled National Policies:
Disable ordinance 1981
1988 report and Government consequent commitment towards PWD’s
• National policy for PWD’s 2002 (NPPD)
• Disability Report 2012
• Special citizen bill 2015
• KP Disability Act 2015
• National Policy for Rehabilitation of the Disabled, 1986:

International programs regarding PWD :
World Programe of Action.
Standard rules on the Equalization of opportunities for the the PWD 1993.
Convention on the Rights of PWD 1989.
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#Disable policies #Rights #Channel
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Disability Awareness And Entertainment,disability,disable,disable typing on whatsapp,Disable Causes,Disable Rights,UN,WHO,Pakistan,Disable Statistics,Disable policies,

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