
Thousands of Australians are out of work 'but Albanese wants more ABC funding'

Thousands of Australians are out of work 'but Albanese wants more ABC funding' Sky News host Andrew Bolt says he “couldn’t believe” his ears when he heard Labor Leader Anthony Albanese was “begging the government” to give more money to the ABC in parliament on Wednesday.

“We’ve got hundreds of thousands of Australian workers losing their jobs because of this coronavirus,” Mr Bolt said.

“We've got probably millions more of us who've sacrificed pay and conditions to help their companies survive”.

“But today the Labor leader was out there begging the government for more money for one organisation which actually has not had to lay off a worker, has not had to cut a single wage, and has not lost a single dollar because it's taxpayer funded”.

Mr Bolt also commented on the issue of Australia’s social distancing laws saying “we've done so well that we can soon afford to ease some of these restrictions”.

“Even the prime minister admitted that we haven't just flattened the curve, we're driving it into the ground”.


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