
What Activities Do College Like To See? | Activities That Got Me Into Stanford, Ivy League & Duke.

What Activities Do College Like To See? | Activities That Got Me Into Stanford, Ivy League & Duke. Hey everyone!
In this video, I talk about my extracurricular activities that I submitted to colleges in my Common Application. I tried to cover everything (including the small things) in my application, so the video is a bit lengthy. The video breaks down into three parts, and I'll leave timestamps in case you're busy! But, please leave a like, comment and subscribe!

Common App Activities (10) @ 01:25
Common App Honors/Awards (5) @ 10:04
CA Additional Comments (resume-style) @ 12:21
My Advice @ 17:15

One of the key pillars of your college application is your extracurricular activities. This portion of the application, in essence, tells the admissions' officers what you've spent your last four years doing.

Check out my College Decisions Reaction:

Unlike the title of this video suggests, there aren't specific activities that you SHOULD do because colleges want to see them. Instead, you should be exploring in High School and finding what YOU love to do. Truly find what YOU love to do, then pour your heart into it. Colleges want to see passion and drive in your extracurricular. They are not looking to see how much of prestige you have on your resume or how "stacked up" your resume is. So keep all of these things in mind, and chase your passion. Don't do something "for college" because admissions officers can EASILY see through that and you likely won't be very good at the thing you do "for college."

I know that college application process can be extremely stressful, especially for you Juniors who feel like you have less time to DO stuff because of COVID-19. Hopefully, this video can ease your mind a little bit! I tried to be as honest as possible in this video, and please comment any questions down below!

Essay videos are coming very soon, I'm still getting used to editing videos, so please understand the delay and the unprofessional editing!

*Quick disclaimer that everything I say in this video are my personal, biased opinions. You should seek professional consulting or talk to a certified professional for financial or educational advice. The video merely includes my own personal experience in the college application process and my own personal opinion that should be taken with a grain of salt. I am not a certified professional that can verify whether stats and scores truly matter in the college application process, and speculations made in the video are personal questions that I asked myself throughout the process. ALSO, this video is in no way affiliated with groups mentioned in the video, including Asian YoungLife, CollegeBoard, ACT, EPSD, Englewood Chamber of Commerce, or any collegiate institutions in the thumbnail.

What activities do colleges look for? What activities should I do in High School? What activities look good on college application? How to write my extracurricular activities. What SAT score is good? What AP score is good? What ACT score is good? What SAT score do I need for Ivy League Colleges? What score do I need to be accepted to Ivy League colleges? Can I get into Stanford with low scores? Can I get into Ivy League Colleges with low scores? How to raise my SAT score. How to raise my ACT score. How to do well on SAT. How to get into Stanford. How to get into Duke. How to get into Ivy League Colleges. How to get into Cornell. What is the SAT cutoff? What is the ACT cutoff? How to stand out in college application. How to have a spike in college application. How to get into my dream college.

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