
The Forgotten Aspect of Our Being: The Key to Achieving Human Excellence - (Complete)

The Forgotten Aspect of Our Being: The Key to Achieving Human Excellence - (Complete) The real Jehad is connecting to the FORGOTTEN ASPECT OF OUR BEING for achieving human excellence.

The real Jehad is reawakening your intrinsic nature, your true self, and aligning your ego with it.

This Series is created as a gift to humanity by PeaceQuest Centre for Human Excellence. The series explains the holistic picture of Islam with all related components to highlight how Islam's message, worship and the way of life are focused on one objective: To help us achieve human excellence, which is a pre-requisite for ultimate success. ‏‏

The series also talks about the most forgotten aspect of our being - our spirit, or Rooh. When who we are and what we do are not in alignment, we suffer and cause the suffering of others.

A happier and contended world awaits us once we align our actions with our intrinsic nature (Fitra). There is a clear blueprint for that, provided we understand and follow it to achieve human excellence. This series explains the holistic picture of Islam with several interconnected and mutually reinforcing elements. We particularly ignore one important element out of all of these (our Rooh), which blocks our way to achieving human excellence and thus enjoying true happiness and contentment. ‏

PeaceQuest CHE is a non-profit whose mission is to examine the root causes that give rise to intolerance, hate and violence on the one hand and the environmental, social, and economic crises of our time on the other. PQCHE offers a clear analysis of the way that helps human beings discover their true self and humanity to live in harmony with each other and the biosphere.

Intro: O.00

Part 1: Overview:

Part 2: What's real success?

Part 3: What is Success:

Part 4: The Forgotten Aspect of Our Being:

Part 5: The False Self that we need to overcome

Part 6: The Choice that We have:

Part 7: The Self vs Fitra (intrinsic nature)

Part 8: The Target for Real Jehad: the Ego:

Part 9: Precursor to Real jehad:

Part 10: The Real Battlefield:

Part 11: How to Avoid Existential Crisis in Life:

Part 12: Migration of the Heart:

Part 13: The destination: Self Actualization and Real Success:

Learn more:

peacequest,happiness,excellence,human excellence,true Jehad,real Jehad,Jihad,real Jihad,hate,violence,Islam,terrorism,extremism,holistic picture Islam,Ajan,abid jan,Ottawa,Abid Ullah Jan,

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