
This Roman Emperor Was Worth $4.6 Trillion

This Roman Emperor Was Worth $4.6 Trillion Subscribe for more amazing videos! ► ◄

Long ago, before there was Amazon, or Tesla, or Microsoft, there was a man who owned so much land, that he put all of these company’s founder’s wealth to shame. He was so rich, that believe it or not, he was worth an astonishing 4.6 trillion dollars. Yes, you read that right. 4.6 TRILLION. And get this: he wasn’t a material guy. He didn’t splurge on extravagant things, instead, he worked hard to revamp the entire monetary system of Rome, and bring around an era known as Pax Romana. This man was known as Augustus Caesar. And he was the great-nephew of the famed Julius Caesar. Today, we are taking a look back, long long ago, to explore the origins of one of the richest, if not THE richest, men who ever lived. We will be talking a bit about who he was, how he came to power, and just what boosted his wealth up into the 4.6 trillion dollars range. After all, no one alive today is worth even close to that amount of dough. So, get ready to learn a little bit about history, and a little bit about economics, as we take you back to the early BCE years, a time when Egypt flourished, Rome was a world wide superpower, and a time when it’s emperor, Mr. Augustus Caesar, was a multi trillionaire. Hey, this channel is called The Richest for a reason, and today, we may actually be talking about THE richest. Of all time.

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Who was Augustus Caesar
How did he get so rich?
What did he spend his fortune on?
Was he REALLY the richest of all time?

The Richest,Augustus Caesar,Julius Caesar,Emperor of Rome,Pax Romana,Ancient Rome,richest man who ever lived,Pyramids of giza,Temple of mars the avenger,Theatre Marcellus,history,roman emperor money,

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